Sunday, April 18, 2010

W3D2 part deux

So today went exactly as planned, which is amazing!

After Mass I headed over to my university's gym, and hit the elliptical for 35 minutes, and the cycling machine for 32. I burned somewhere near 500 calories, just under as I recall. Then I went to the track and did my version of W3D2, which was a 200, an 800, a 200, and a 400. That 800 was random, I was like, eh, why not go for 600? Before I knew it, I had run a half a mile, and could have gone for longer. But alas, I needed to wrap my run up. Why? Well for one, I'd already burned a whopping 240 calories and...

Because I had to go see Kick Ass!

Seriously, best movie I've seen in a long long time. It just jumped right up on my favorites list. The plot is a little winding, but the characters are adorable, especially Hit Girl. LOVE her. It takes its 'R' rating seriously though, this movie is not for kids. Or really anyone under the age of 17. Seriously folks.

On the bright side, this is the first time I haven't been carded going into an R rated movie. I still have to card for freaking NyQuil.

Maybe because its a college theater? Nah....

Well, that's all I got. Ciao!


  1. Kick Ass, huh? Appropriate title - - you are doing great! Keep it up, chick!

  2. Hey! THought I would check in with you - - how goes it?
