Friday, April 2, 2010

Emmz vs. Emmz's Body, Round 2, Down for the count

When I last wrote, I was optimistic. I had a fever, but I wasn't feeling too crazy bad. 3 hours later, I could barely move and had never felt such a fever in my adult life. Whipped out my emergency thermometer, thinking it had to be over 100.



I immediately called my mommy despite it being 2 am, who called our doctor, who told me to take aspirin, use tepid wash cloths, and lay around in my skivvies.

2.5 hours later, I'm down to 99. 0, thank God, and feeling much better.

Don't think I'll be up to running tomorrow, and no reason I should be. Definitely going to lay low this entire weekend. Also thinking I'm going to repeat week 3. I want to get my speed up, and this whole illness thing just going to knock me back. But I'm in no hurry, my original end date was somewhere around May 9th, and I'm not making it back to Cypress (hometown) for summer until May 21st, which is when I really wanted to be done by. In happier news, parents will be here to pick me up in the morning for Easter, and I can't wait to be home.

A little annoyed that just as I'm getting into the swing of things that something like this happened, but you gotta roll with the punches.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Emmz - - - - this too will pass . .I've got W3D3 tomorrow and the weather has been beautiful - - I am looking so forward to it - - - Thoughts will be with you - hope you get it licked and feeling 100% as soon as possible.

