Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Importance of Socks

So, I just came back from kicking some calculus butt, and swung by the track on my way home. Not to run, but to calibrate my Nike+. I knew I needed to calibrate it like, today, because I'm a horrible procrastinator when it comes to things like that, and if I waited too long I would never do it and it would sit on my wrist a really cool watch for eternity. So I manned up and headed down to the track where there were a plethora of hard body types. Ran a lap at my usual pace, passed 4 of 'em. Hahahaaha. Victoryyyyyyy.

But anyways, apparently I fail because it didn't record the 1/4 mile at all. Frustrated I tried again and *cough* actually read the directions this time. Walked the 1/4 mile to get the best reading, and turned it off. It read .28 of a mile at the end of the lap, but that's an easy fix.

Early prediction here guys, I think I'm going to love this thing. As I was flipping through the different settings, it just got coolers and cooler. First of all, the pace reading isn't in mph, it shows your actual mile speed. So if I want to be running constantly at say, 8:15 mile pace, it shows that and I don't have to do math in my head. Awesome. Also, shows how long I've been running. Like, there's a watch mode, and then it goes, you've been running for 3 minutes and 23 seconds...cool! That's perfect for intervals, and once again, I don't have to keep track of times in my head. Also, calories burned? So cool!

So yah....The thing is cool.

Onto the title story, socks. So yesterday during my epic shopping adventure, my mom and I were in Target picking up water, Gatorade, etc. After we've finished up in the toilet paper section, I begin running up and down the cleaning aisle hunting for Febreeze Sport. It's supposed to eliminate the odor of sweat. After not being able to find it, I expressed my intense disappointment to my mother, and the following conversation happened:

Mom- "Why do you want it anyway? Just wash your clothes."
Emmz- "1) It costs $2 to do laundry. I don't think so. 2) I don't need it for my clothes, I need it for my stinky running shoes."
Mom- "Why are your shoes so stinky?"
Emmz- "Because I don't wear socks, duh."

Awkward pause.

Mom- "So...wear socks."
Emmz- "Don't own any."
Mom- "You don't own any socks?!"
"Mom- "So you're going to have my buy $5 Febreeze instead of buying socks?"
Emmz- "Ah, see, YOU buying $5 Febreeze is different from me buying socks. Socks are clothes, and since I buy my own clothes, they didn't make the budget this quarter."
Mom-"For crying out loud child, I will buy you socks!"

Emmz's Reaction:
Master has given Emmz a sock!

1 comment:

  1. You are free to leave the house forever now Emmz!!

    "The family is careful to not pass Dobby even a sock, sir, for then he would be free to leave their house forever . . . "

    I wouldn't push it though - -benefits are all the free SWAG you can accumulate hangin out with Moms . . .. . .

    My feet and heels would look like sausage if I ever attempted to run with no socks . . .You crazy girl!

