Sunday, April 18, 2010

Goals- A closer look.

Wooo, it's been a while yes?

I have all sorts of excuses for my lack of posts/working-out, but mostly can be summed up like this:

Wednesday- Obligatory day off to play with my roomie who's been sick for the past week, so I haven't seen her at all. Since she is one of my closest friends (closest friend in the country, actually), this was tragic and we spent the day frolicking. I had every intention of returning to working out Thursday.

Thursday- Caught cold from roomie. Decided it best to lay low. Temperature was running like a wild mustang from a branding iron.

Friday- Still sick, sciatica flared up horribly because of lack of exercise. Very cranky Emmz was the result.

Saturday- Got my butt up and elliptical-ed, but the university gym was shut down, so I had to use a dorm gym. Suck suck suck suck-tastic equipment. Not going to be making that a habit. Only made it through 30 minutes before I quit, I just could not stand that machine. It misread my HR, didn't seem to be able to do different levels of difficulty at all, and it just didn't feel like working out. Hated it.

Sunday- Woke up early, got breakfast. Am going to take on W3D2 part deux today, along with some major cardio + 100/200. I've decided that because my sciatica flares up after I run, I need to do my runs on S/T/Th- This schedule offers me the next day off from walking, since I don't have class MWF.

Now, goals. Some are the same, some have changed.
1) To make it through c25k even if it kills me...or some innocent pedestrian I motor down.
2) To make it through 100 push-ups/200 squats
3) To make it through my ab routine (posted later)
4) To workout a minimum of 5 hours a week, cardio counted only.
5) To have memorized through Taeguk 4 by the end of the month.
6) To ace my econ final (not related, just very important to me at the moment).

These are all obtainable, and I'm sticking to it. The 5 hours a week is what I'm mostly concerned with. During the summer I'll be getting in some major 20+ hour weeks, and I need need need to prepare my body for that.

Also started a food journal so when I meet up with my nutritionist, she won't say, meet with me again after you've created a food journal! I'm not sure if its the accountability of having to write down what goes in my mouth, or the fact that I cannot eat fast food without hurting anymore, but my diet is surprisingly good. Anyone else journal food to make sure they're eating right? Calories aren't so much a concern for me so much as "Is half this plate veggies? Is that really only 3 oz of meat?" etc. I heard a piece of golden wisdom the other day in "What does this do for my body? Why am I eating this? What does it do for me nutritionally?" I thought it was a genius thing to ask before putting something in your mouth. Really made me think about the Coke in my hand (always regular- never diet, give it up for the no aspartame!)

Well, I'm off to Mass, then the gym. Hope you all have great Sundays, runs, and workouts!

1 comment:

  1. Very obtainable goals, you are going well! Makes me realise the small amount i'm doing needs to be upped!

    I'm a few days short of a month of no asphartame myself(diet coke was my drug of choice) it's definately worth not touching the stuff, I feel alot better :)
