Sunday, May 2, 2010

Quick Update...

Hey y'all,

I know, I know. I never update.

Finals season has hit, and I'm in the midst of a 3 week manic run for summer. Once I finish, I swear I'll get back to updating. For now, it's all I can do to study my butt off and try and get through. Two tests this week, 2 last week, 4 next week. The university just had to schedule all of my finals for 4 days straight, all one day after the other. After that, it'll be summer, and my only obligation will be to c25k, the gym, and taekwondo. And...job hunting. But that's another story.

For now, Accounting owns my soul, and Calculus is making a bid too.

Good news though, I have my official schedule for next fall, and I can FINALLY join the university's taekwondo team. For the past 3 semesters, I've had a discussion group or class at the time of practice (7pm), so I've been ineligible. I'm really excited, they did so well at nationals this year, and next year it'll kick even more butt!

Next update in...2 weeks. Wish me luck!


  1. Awesome! Keep up the good work Emmz - - you'll do great .. . . .enjoy it.


  2. Good luck! I'm sure you will do great :)
