Monday, March 29, 2010

Some time tested running wisdom...

That I am learning is completely bogus.

Since I ran as competitively as someone as slow as me could in HS, I thought I had the skinny on the right way to attack long distance running. Head up. Shoulders back. Loose arms. And after checking all that, it seems to still be true.

The big debate is on stride. How long? Heel striker? Toe striker? Knee raised? Knee bent/straight/loop-de-looped? I'm confused people.

I was taught straight up run with as long of stride as you can, lift your knees, strike with your heel, dig in, and let that propel into your next stride. Now I'm reading that over reaching your stride leads to leg pain, heel striking leads to (gasp!) leg pain, and lifting your knees too much can lead to...leg pain.

Which might be why I'm feeling some leg pain.


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