Monday, March 29, 2010

More controversial than healthcare...

So, in my research into how people
a) make it through c25k
b) manage to get all runner-tastic in the process

I came across several bloggers who went into the treadmill vs. open road debate. Figured since I'm doing this blarg thing, I might as well chime in.

I hate treadmills.

No, not strong enough?

I wouldn't run on a treadmill if David Bowie's career depended on it. And I love me some David Bowie.

Let me take you back a few years.

In preparation for 7th grade cross country, a friend and I had a sleepover 2 days before school. We decided to get on my dad's treadmill to train since we'd been up late eating gushers and giggling over Clay, the jr. high hottie. So I get on, and everything's going so well, I neglect to put on that safety strap/emergency stop thing. You can see where this is going? So, my friend says that I'll never make track (note, we were training for cross country) if I can't go 15 mph. That would be the top setting on my dad's treadmill. Failing to recognize that that meant a 4 minute mile, I go, "Sure, crank it up." Well, all's fine and dandy for about 30 seconds. Then shit hits the fan. Treadmills are slow. Treadmills don't adjust quickly to a new pace. If you can't keep up with your treadmill, and you're a dumb 12 year old who didn't use the safety strap, you're screwed. Not only did I literally get slammed into the opposite wall after tripping at 15 mph, but that wall was literally right next to the treadmill so my whole right side got whammed by the treadmill as it continued to run while my friend freaked out and tried to figure out how to turn the damn thing off. The result? Imagine a scraped knee from your ankle to your training bra. Yah, not fun. And just in times for try-outs.

Now, while that story was completely my fault for being an arrogant 12 year old, it illustrates what I hate most about every treadmill I've ever tried:

They're slow to change. When I run, I go from around 6-7.5mph running to 4.5 jog flat. Try doing that in less than 5 seconds on a treadmill.

Also, I always feel like I'm working so much harder on a treadmill, and going way slower. Maybe it's a mental thing, but it's how I feel.

Plus, even if I make it to ten million miles on a treadmill, no way can I do it outside. It's like indoor rowing, sure I can hit a 1:37 split inside, but in a real boat? Naw.

Note, I'm not putting down treadmill users. If that's what works, do it. I wish I could stand to use one, so I wouldn't have to schedule my runs so diligently, and instead just grab an empty machine in the gym. But I can't.

I hate them.


  1. When I started C25K, I loved the treadmill. I had a DVD player on it, I could program in the exercises ... I thought I was set. But then the longer runs came along, and it's just no good on the treadmill. It's mentally tough and I've even had a harder time physically on them. I still like it for walking after sundown. But, I'd rather run in the rain than run on a treadmill now!

  2. Haha, yup! I really can't stand it for more than a light run/walk if I'm feeling really guilty over something I ate. Plus I actually feel like I runner if I'm hitting the pavement, treadmill, not so much.
