Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So, this post is going to be one of those posts-which-is-the-reason-why-Emmz-goes-by-nickname-only-online-and-doesn't-post-an-identifying-picture post. That, and I'm keeping the whole return to competitive tkd hush hush from people I know IRL until I can back up the talk with some solid tournament performances/getting back into my weight category. You people on the internet? You get me, you struggle with me! You find 1 minute runs hard too!

But yes, back to me embarrassing myself online.

I really want to know what other people do to get pumped. For what? Anything. Running, specifically, but if you have some awesome pre-board meeting ritual, share that too. Me? I listen to the same two songs, over and over and over again. At least 5 times each. I wish I was kidding. The sad thing is, I don't even own the two songs (yet...). I listen to them on youtube, until hopefully this weekend where the Easter bunny will give me some iTunes gift cards and running socks in my basket. If not, then the bunny is going to be given a strict talk about listening to me when I drop my signature subtlety like "Hey Mom, this weekend's Easter. By the way, iTunes are awesome, don't you think they're awesome? You know what's really awesome about iTunes? They sell giftcards! Yah, right there, in the store, like where you're going to buy my Easter presents....Mom?" But I digress.

The songs that have me tapping my toes, fingers, keyboard, wall, etc. are:


Yah, yah. Not exactly the classics. But they're amazing work out jams.

Now, if listening to a total of two songs on repeat at least 30 times (more like 50) for the past 3 weeks weren't enough to convince you of my nerd-ocity, I introduce you to Emmz's guaranteed inspiration part two:

I never did gymnastics competitively, never even tried it except for a few misguided months at age 5 which resulted in a broken arm and an introduction to the much safer martial art of taekwondo. But it awes me. Probably due to the fact that I've never tried it. I've ran, thrown dicuses (discii?), rowed, played every sport they offer at the YMCA, took and aced a fencing class, tap danced, ice-skated, kayaked, etc. Basically, I've tried a lot of sports. And I could physically do them all well, albeit no where even near Olympic level. But that? That what she's doing right there on that beam? I could never, ever, ever do that. Gymnastics is one of those sports that is just non-recreational. No one's like, well, guess I'll just hit the ol' balance beam for a quick sweat session! It's total commitment. It's a lifestyle. It's a sport so hard, careers end mid-teens. And that just blows my mind. So, if I'm ever feeling whiney about a run (so, like every run), I watch that. And think, man, if she can go out there and do that, the least I can do is go run. Boom. Guaranteed inspiration.

So what's yours?

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