Monday, March 29, 2010

The Knee goes....Crack!

So, since I'm on a weird schedule due to a few 3 day breaks from running, I've decided to lengthen this week to 4 runs, W3D1 was on Saturday, W3D1.5 today, W3D2 Wednesday, and round it out with W3D3 on Friday. This should hopefully get me on a nice 3 day MWF schedule for next week.

I'd already made this decision once I hit the pavement, and boy did my body know it. It decided to totally wimp out somewhere after my first 3 minute run and went, nope! We don't want to jog the next 3 minutes. Our knee hurts. It's hot. Oh look! A duck! And so, I managed a moderately respectable repeat of W3D1, which was Jog warm up, run 90, jog 90, run 3, walk 3, run 90, walk 90, run 3. Walkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. I threw some 100m stride exercises in there at the end just because I felt a little guilty for not pushing myself through that 3 min jog.

On the subject of my title, this night was a bit of a repeat of W2D2, where my knee went, hey remember me? You sprained me as a child and I've been giving you lip for it ever since? Take this sucker!!!!! And proceeded to whine the whole way uphills. Unfortunately, Austin is very hilly. Time to find some new downhill routes. ;).

After talking to my dear ol' mom today, she made an interesting suggestion for my runs. I'd been whining about not having any rewards for my efforts (aside from, ya know, being able to run) and how it would be nice to have some treat to look forward to at the end of the week. Note, this was mostly just hinting at her to buy me some new running socks, or that chi running book I keep reading about, but she ignored my subtlety. Instead, she suggested I take my last run and go do it on a really nice track. I mostly run on campus since that's where I live and all, but in Austin we have a gorgeous lake about 3 miles away from campus that's bus accessible called Ladybird Lake. I love that lake. As I'm a kayaker and rower, albeit not competitively anymore, I've spent a lot of time on that lake. And the trail around it is pretty amazing. Nice soft crunchy gravel, water stations every mile or so, and a killer view. Since I live the life of Reilly and have no class/responsibilities on Friday, I think that's what I'll do. Gotta say, I'm pretty excited for it.

Tomorrow, the adventure continues with my first day of my 100/200/200 program. I'm super excited. Like, bizarrely excited. It's not normal to be this enthusiastic over push-ups. But I really just can't wait till 6 weeks from now when I say...You know, I can do 100 push-ups. Yah, I'm just that awesome.

Future me has it SO good.

Well, my stomach is demanding reparations for its efforts, so I'm off it hit Subway!

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